Today we have for your consideration a lovely old necklace which has a charming Sterling Silver pendant depicting a colorful red-headed bird. The interior of the pendant is highlighted by the use of butterfly wings in the background.
This fabulous pendant has lovely vibrant colors of red, blue and black surrounding the central image of the bird sitting upon a branch. The butterfly wings add lovely layers of shimmering background light to the pendant.
The necklace itself measures about 19” in length. The back of the pendant is marked Sterling Silver and a Patent # of 202211.
This very old attractive necklace / pendant set is in very good condition.
Please refer to our pictures to see the full beauty of this piece.
An ancient treasure that must be seen to be enjoyed.
If you have any questions, please be sure to ask!
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For additional information or to place an order for this item, please feel free to email us at or call 203-333-5836.
All That Glitters Antiques
Contact: Chris Cali-Brophy
3 Grasmere Avenue
Fairfield, CT 06824 USA
Phone: 203-333-5836