$ 24.99
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For today’s auction, we are featuring a stunning ladies set of Akoya Pearl earrings.

These lovely earrings are composed of Gold-filled metal which utilize screw-on backs to attach to one’s ears. The earrings each measure 15/16” in length and are 7/16” in width. The pearls are cultured Akoya pearls which impart a warm, creamy luster to the earring. This type of pearl is considered to be the standard representation of the classic pearl.

If you look closely at our pictures you will see that the pearls are mounted atop a small base; much like a crystal ball is mounted atop a saucer-like base.

A beautiful charming treasure that is sure to spark conversation and evoke compliments whenever it is worn or displayed.

If you have any questions, please be sure to ask!

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Price: $ 24.99
Pattern: Earrings
Color: Pearl White
Dimensions: 15/16" L x 7/16" W
Manufacturer: Unknown
Manufacturer Date: Unknown
Quality: Excellent
Quantity: 1
Tace Item# 43201

For additional information or to place an order for this item, please feel free to email us at atg1@optonline.net or call 203-333-5836.

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Vendor Contact Information:

All That Glitters Antiques
Contact: Chris Cali-Brophy
3 Grasmere Avenue
Fairfield, CT  06824 USA
Phone: 203-333-5836     

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