$ 19.99
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Up on today’s auction, we have a Krementz earring set that is adorned with a luscious gold-tone rose backed by a tiny jade leaf.

Krementz Co. started making men's stud and collar buttons in late 1884 and migrated to making women’s jewelry sometime in the early 1930s after the collar button went out of style.  They continued to make high quality costume jewelry that is designed to look like the real thing. It is exactly this “real look” quality which makes Krementz jewelry fairly easy to recognize and highly collectable.

The earrings are mounted atop a gold-tone metal to which is attached a tine jade leaf which been placed under a lovely gold colored rose.  The earring measures 1.5” when measured from end to end. The jade leaf measures .5” tall and is 5/16” wide. These earrings are clip-ons.

These tiny treasures are very eye-catching and quite beautiful to behold.

Please look very closely at our pictures to fully appreciate the lovely hues created by this quality piece of craftsmanship used in this fabulous earring set.

If you have any questions, please be sure to ask!

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Price: $ 19.99
Pattern: Leaf
Color: Gold / Green
Dimensions: 1.5" H x 5/16" W
Manufacturer: Krementz
Manufacturer Date: Unknown
Quality: Excellent
Quantity: 1
Tace Item# 43287

For additional information or to place an order for this item, please feel free to email us at or call 203-333-5836.

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Vendor Contact Information:

All That Glitters Antiques
Contact: Chris Cali-Brophy
3 Grasmere Avenue
Fairfield, CT  06824 USA
Phone: 203-333-5836

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